Apostille Federal Documents
US apostille provides attestation service for certificates issued by Federal agencies or courts and destined for use in the Hague Convention Participating Countries. We obtain Apostille for the Federal Documents from the US Department of State in Washington DC.
Apostille Countries
Apostille certificates are required to acknowledge the authenticity of foreign documents destined for use in one of the Hague convention participating countries. Here is a list of all countries that accept the apostille
Legalization Countries
Embassy legalization is required to acknowledge the authenticity of foreign documents in countries that are not member to the Hague Convention.Here is a list of countries that accept embassy certificates:
Federal Documents Embassy Legalization
US apostille assists corporations to authenticate Federal Documents from the US Department of State and from the embassy of the destination country in Washington DC. Embassy legalization is required to acknowledge documents destined for use in the Non-Hague Participating Countries.
Examples of Federal DocumentsThe Food and Drug Administration (the FDA) Certificates.
The Federal Bureau of Investigations (the FBI) Certificates.
The US Patent and Trademark office (the USPTO) Certificates.
The US Department of Agriculture (the USDA) Certificates.
The Environmental Protection Agency (the EPA) Certificates.
The Internal Revenue Service (the IRS) Certificates.
The Homeland Security Certificates.
The Social Security Agency Certificates.